Mag. Dr. Katsiaryna Ackermann MA
Austrian Academy of Sciences
IHB – Institute for Habsburg and Balkan Studies
Russian Academy of Sciences
Institute of Linguistic Studies
senior scientist, department member on leave
Vienna University
Department of Slavonic studies
Lecturer and research collaborator in CIMA
University lectures
Invited lectures & conference talks
Curriculum Vitae
Areas of research
Slavic and Baltic historical and comparative linguistics and philology, general and comparative Indo-European linguistics, socio- and cognitive linguistics, language typology and language universals, Slavic palaeography, Indo-European areal- and cultural studies, social and cultural anthropology.
Research projects
project leader “Thesaurus on Slavic Kinship. A Cognitive Semantics Study” co-funded by Marie-Jahoda grant
scientific staff The Origin of the Glagolitic-Old Church Slavonic Manuscripts. An Interdisciplinary Investigation Accompanied by Editions (FWF P29892) Project leaders: Heinz Miklas (DSS); Robert Sablatnig (CVL), Manfred Schreiner (ISTA), Katja Sterflinger (DB BOKU), Patricia Engel (ERCB).
scientific staff Analysis and Conservation of Cultural Heritage – Modern Imaging and Material Analysis Methods for the Visualization, Documentation and Classification of Historical Written Material (Manuscripts) Project leaders: Prof. DI Dr. Manfred Schreiner (ISTA), Prof. DI Dr. Robert Sablatnig (CVL), O. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Heinz Miklas (Vienna University, DSS).
scientific staff Indo-European Root and Stem Formation Constituents (RGNF-14-18-03585). Project leader: Prof. N. N. Kasansky (Russian Academy of Sciences)